Developing of organizational model to drive and support information management within organization, is in my opinion – one of the most difficult tasks. There is no single answer. Every organization is different and the model adoption will depend on multiple factors, just to mention few:
- Information management maturity within the organization
- Existing management structure, its formality and depth
- Culture within the organization
- History of the organization, particularly failed attempts to provide structure and governance around information
- Size and geographical distribution
- Available skills
- Business and departmental goals
- Political pressures and ambitions
Irrespective of selected model, key elements that need to exist – the executive sponsorship and good, committed stakeholder coalition representing most critical areas of the organization. This could be challenging but building this support is providing good foundation for any future initiatives.
For most of organizations that do not have information management in place, starting small is the best practice. Creation of information management working group is a good approach. Focused initially on identification of existing key problems, development of key guiding principles, definition of goals, objectives, roadmap and initial structure, could be done with relatively small budget. Some of the key elements to support any future information management initiatives is – establishing of a governance, development of strategy, and initial framework for information architecture. The outputs should strike right balance for the organization to allow enough flexibility to be creative and productive through collaboration, but at the same time protecting informational assets through initiatives like records management.
The model should position existing roles within the organization in the model: CIO, Director of Information Management, existing information management technology functions and so on, but also define accountabilities and responsibilities for data – establishing Data Stewards.
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